Helping Hands Ministry


The mission of the Helping Hands Ministry is to make available to the congregation and community durable medical equipment (DME) to those for whom it is either not covered by their insurance or for those who have no insurance. These items would be made available primarily by Gaines Chapel A.M.E. members who no longer have a need for the equipment to share with those in need. This is a voluntary ministry to assist those in need of DME.

Methods of obtaining donations:


  1. Church members who volunteer to donate DME will be asked to notify the ministry of available DME in good condition. 
  2. Donors will take pictures of any donated DME. 
  3. Pictures of DME along with donor’s contact information will be provided to Helping Hands Ministry to be catalogued by the ministry.
  4. Due to lack of storage space at this time, church members will be asked to hold onto item(s) until needed. 
  5. If member is unable to continue to store items, we ask that they contact the ministry to have item(s) removed from inventory. When item(s) are ready to be donated, please make sure they are cleaned and sanitized. The ministry will also repeat the process.

Medical Supply Companies

The ministry will periodically call upon local medical equipment suppliers to ask for donations of items that are usable but may not be sellable.


Method of distribution:

When an item(s) is needed, the member holding the item will be contacted for a pick-up by a ministry member. The person needing the item(s) will be informed when they can pick up the item(s) from the church.



The equipment/item(s) provided by the Helping Hands Ministry of Gaines Chapel A.M.E. (hereinafter “Helping Hands”) to the recipient below, is provided on an “As Is” and “As Available” basis. Helping Hands makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the item(s) or the information, content or materials provided. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, Helping Hands disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  The recipient acknowledges use of the equipment/item(s) provided by Helping Hands is at the recipient’s sole risk. The recipient acknowledges that Helping Hands is not responsible for any use or misuse of the equipment/item(s) provided.

Donor’s Contact Information

Thank you for your generous donations.